I don't know if it is something in the weather, the air, or a full moon but today has been a day of Olympic proportions. While getting the boys dressed today I moved on to Kody. Issac and Wyatt were playing the bedroom. All of the sudden I glance out of the corner of my eye to witness Wyatt lay Issac flat on his back with a Sweep Kick. It was like karate kid on crack cocaine perfect. It was fast and technically perfect. I don't know where he learned it maybe he's seen his own link, but he made this guy look like an amateur.
Thinking we were done with all the astounding physical feats I continued on with my day. I sent the boys down to watch a cartoon while I got dressed. Travis walked in and scared me while plucking my stray brow hairs. Sharp objects by my eye while jumping in alarm not a good combination, but I digress. Anyway he had forgotten his cell phone and was home to retrieve it quick before a meeting. The kids excited for the unexpected visit start crowding around him. In a hurry he tried to get down the stairs saying move, move, whereupon he starts his Olympic Event of Midget Tossing. No one was hurt and it was quite humorous, but something is going on here folks, because both of these men did their events quite expertly. I think they might practice when I am not around.
Love Bugs
11 months ago
Good ol' midget tossing. How funny. I can totally picture the sweep kick too.
Love it. I have watched my kids do some crazy things but I must say I am impressed with Wyatt and his moves. Good luck with that one . hehe
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