...fried onions are my caloric kryptonite. I can eat a whole Costco bag of them like potato chips.
...I love to lay in the sun, not for the tan - although that's nice, but because it makes me feel good.
...I once put a boogie on every single one of my sister's dresser handles because I was mad at her.
...the preposterous things I say are to distract from someone else that I can tell is uncomfortable.
...I care very little what most people think of me.
...for all my outgoingness, I usually prefer to be alone or with just my family.
...putting puzzles together is one of my favorite past times.
...I have stacks of books all over my house waiting to be read.
....usually I keep two fans going every night to keep me cool.
...I can't stay awake for movies anymore. I've reached "that age" and tiredness level.
...despite all my energy, most days I go to bed near tears I am so tired.
...I value nothing more than my relationship with the Lord, but I can become complacent in that.
...new adventures are my most favorite things, but that's next to my family of course.
...going on vacation for my birthday is the best gift ever.
...I can't conceive of ever not wanting to travel every corner of the world.
...I'll choose a new experience and unknown over a great thing I've already done every time.
...for all my outgoingness there are a million facets of me, I keep very close to my vest.
...I generally love people and think most everyone I have met is incredible in some way.
...seeing the good in life is a choice I hope I can make for the rest of mine.
...that most days seem very tiring, but when I look at my life it feels like a dream it is so good.
...I think I am doing okay at this thing called life.
Love Bugs
1 year ago