A silly mish mash of words, you ask. No the title is what our month of January looked like. In the middle of January right about the time I think I have recovered from Christmas, my husband has a birthday. You already know how great I think he is. So I'll just add the pictures.
But then this year we had two boys participating in the Pinewood Derby, a wooden car racing Cub Scout Event. For me this was a hard challenge not only because I had to help with a large part of the car construction, not my cup of tea, but also because the boys opted for the coolness of their cars versus aerodynamics. In the end the cars weren't the fastest, one boy was still thrilled - the other not so much. I'm thinking next year I may have a little more luck teaching lessons in aerodynamics.
Then after that there was another round of birthdays. The two boys have them two days apart. Both turned nine. Their presents were identical in composition if not actual items. Is this what it is like to have twins? But there were some differences. One wanted to take in chocolate cupcakes for class treat, the other chocolate cake balls, one wanted chocolate cake with peanut butter icing for their cake, the other chocolate peanut butter ice cream cake. Yeah I repeat...is this what it is like having twins? I think they both had great birthdays. They're pretty amazing, tons of fun, and always entertaining. Love these boys.
Love Bugs
1 year ago