I've been tagged. Not typically a fan of the cheesiness but any opportunity to laud my husband I embrace because I can't begin to say enough good things. So here goes the husband tag:
Where We Met?
Ricks College
How long did we date before we were married?
13 months
How long have we been married?
9 yrs. this summer
What is my favorite thing about him?
That he so totally adores everything about me even the bad stuff.
What is your favorite quality about him?
He is a person of integrity always.
What is his nickname for you?
Lover, Marebear, Tanto, Mi general, too many to name them all
His favorite food?
His favorite sport?
Football I guess or maybe I'm projecting.
Who said the "L" word first?
Me, but when he did it was the best day of my life.
First Kiss?
Favorite Couple thing to do?
Anything as long as we are together
How many kids We have?
His hidden talents?
He can make balloon animals, Better with kids than almost anyone, Decorating toots
His age?
His favorite music?
Old School Country
What do You admire most about him?
I've never met a person who didn't like him.
His favorite past time?
Will he read this?
I Tag: Whitney