Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Flesh of my Flesh
A boy after my own heart I laughed at his picks and recalled telling Travis before we were married that marrying me would be easy for him because my material needs for a lifetime were very low maintenance
-inclusive of a King size bed and Down Comforter-.
Everything can be accomplished with a good night's sleep and no one knows that better than Kody and me.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
So Much
Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you are feeling the holiday cheer and enjoying it.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I love the snow. Sigh.
Church Christmas Program cancelled
Neighborhood sledding so fun.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
It's Free For A Reason
Friday, December 18, 2009
Holiday Wisdom
"Sure" although there is a part of me cringing inside. She says when you first came here a year and a half ago you weighed four pounds less. My goodness who knew four pounds would initiate a conversation of this proportion. She says four pounds isn't a lot but if you start gaining it here and there it starts to add up. Well obviously. And what she says is nothing I don't already know and think.
But then she drives her point sufficiently home by adding and a year and a half ago when you weighed four pounds less you had a new baby, 6 months. Alright mental picture is sufficiently clear - I'm pudgy the whale. She asks, "Have you lost any of the baby weight?" Well no not really, but the truth is yes I mean at one point, nine months prego, I was tipping the scales at twelve pounds heavier than I am now. But after the initial 8 pounds of baby and a couple of accompanying fluid I guess the answer is indeed no I have not. Crap! How'd I miss that.
And she proceeds to question me about my eating habits, exercising routine, and lifestyle. In the end she finishes up with a healthy summary of the situation. Stop eating late in the evenings, take a couple extra laps on your stairs each time you scale them during the day, and park at the back end of parking lots, and open door manually instead of going through the automated ones.
Man she just dumped on my holiday happiness. I love Christmas, the family, the friends, and most importantly the eating. Already I am worried does this mean I should start watching what I eat starting today, the week before Christmas. Because that is where we are at, one week till Christmas. And this is when the wisdom hit me. Perhaps next year I will be going to the Lady Dr. one week after Christmas instead of one week before. So that when she wants to talk about weight loss strategies I'm totally on board. Because truth be told after finishing at the doctor's office I go to take Travis back to the office - he was watching the boys in the waiting room - and he is telling me about this huge cookie tray some subcontractor had brought in.
It was huge and yummy. And I had a chocolate cookie, a chocolate chip cookie, and four chocolate covered pretzels- yeah the first one was so good I stole the rest of those babies. It is at this point that I may have sputtered to Travis over my cookie filled mouth "Screw the Dr." But in the interest of watching calories a nasty piece of chocolate candy that I didn't like I hoisted onto Travis instead of finishing.
It's all about the baby steps right???
P.S. This is largely satirical. I am not really looking for the "you look great, Mary" or similar sentiments. I am holding to the holiday wisdom from here on out though. Seriously Dr. visit after the holidays.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Priorities People
Problem: The misspelling of the word "we" where both sounds are phonetically audible.
Common spelling: Wii
Seriously people if your kids think that this is the spelling of one of the most common pronouns turn off the video games and try a little academic lesson in your home instead.
Friday, December 11, 2009
My Grown Up Christmas List
- "no more lives torn apart"
- "that wars would never start"
- "love would always win"
- king size deep fit sheets
- a new down comforter
- a gravy boat and spoon
- some cool new high heeled brown shoes
- a black pair wouldn't hurt either
- pruning shears
- some comfy but cute non jean pants
- brown eye liner
- my own GPS
- some tiered serving party dishes
Call me a selfish cad if you must. It's probably true.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Yummiest, Fastest, and Most Foolproof French Bread
Yield: 1 super large loaf or 2 small loaves
2 1/2 C. warm water (105-110 F)
2 T. yeast
Let it proof
3 T. sugar
1/3 C. oil
1 T. salt
6 C. flour
Mix it in a Kitchen Aid, Bosch, or mixer of choice till blended. Cover and let rise 10 minutes. Remix and repeat ten minute rise sessions for a total of 6 times and 60 minutes. This is a wetter dough. Instead of flour oil a counter and rolling pin. Take the dough roll it out, then roll it up. Seal edges, pinch seam. Put on cookie sheet,cover, and let rise 20 minutes. Use razor blade or sharp knife to make three decorative slits. Bake at 375 F for 20 minutes. Let cool for 5-10 minutes and slice with a sharp bread knife. Egg wash optional for yummy crispy french bread crust.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Face of An Angel
Monday, December 7, 2009
In My Absence...
A. watched the Christmas Devotional weeping shamelessly on several occasions
The rest of the house may still look a tornado swept through but I told my friend last week that after Tuesday things would be back to normal. So that leaves me with today for more laundry, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting, and bathrooms, oh and my desk is a bit of an issue, and outside lights, and --- oh perhaps I shouldn't think of all the things I still have yet to do.
Manheim Auto Auction Addendum
After sitting at the auction all day from 7:45 am - 4 pm I have decided this is the place to go if you are a woman in need of a self esteem boost. Top ten reasons are as follows:
10. The male to female ratio is disproportionately in your favor.
9. Any other female competition tends to be over the age of 50.
Give a holla' for the Manheim Auto Auction Men.
Note: I am not responsible for any long term character issues encountered in these men as I cannot vouch for this type of man, but he sure does make a girl feel very good for a day.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
And Four It Is
From two weeks old he started crying for what appeared to be no reason and didn't stop until this last year. Similarly my parents have told hundreds of times how I cried for no reason from birth to age two. I have hypothesized some possible reasons for all this crying after knowing myself and Issac. We both know exactly what we want, how we want it, and the time frame in which we want it done. When these things don't come together perfectly we are sooo distraught, hurt, or angry it leads to tears - although as we get older we learn to curtail them better. Issac is supremely sensitive. His feelings get hurt so often. And he responds much more to a firm talking to than a spanking. Spankings make him angry and rebellious. Verbalizing your disappointment hurts his feelings to the point where he will do anything to make it better and needs to be held post talk to reaffirm your love for him.
Issac is fiercely independent. He has always been old enough, big enough, and smart enough to do things on his own. Since two he could dress and undress himself. And just this summer he decided to teach himself to swim where he totally submerses his head and kick rapidly. He doesn't get very far but he is fearless in the attempt. He's very physically adept and has been mastering sports since he was three. Just this past Thanksgiving Day our friends were teaching him to shoot a hockey puck, they are serious ice hockey players. He consistently could get it in the top corner of the goal. He can bat right and left handed and is completely ambidextrous as diagnosed by an occupational therapist. He will cut, draw, play sports, and point using both hands equally. Last night while doing skeet ball at Chuck E' Cheese he alternated each ball from left to right.
His energy and smile are infectious. His laugh is amazing. He is the only person who thinks that being tickled relentlessly is a reward and often asks for it after doing something good. Sometimes he will want to be tickled so much but it then turns to crying all without him ever having complained once. I don't like this part, but it still doesn't seem to bother him too much as he continues to ask to be tickled. If you ask him for a kiss he will refuse you just to be a tease. Then later he will come like he is going to kiss you only to lick you. And finally when you have given up all hope and moved on to something else he will run up unexpectedly and delight you with one of the best kisses ever. He squeezes so hard when he gives hugs you can feel the intensity of emotion he is experiencing.
He is a little monkey and loves to climb, hang, and jump around. He doesn't hold still for very long. And often times if he is supposed to be sleeping you can go into his room and find him hanging upside down from the top bunk slats into his bed balancing precariously on his head. He loves the park and being outside. He thinks that alone time with mom or dad at night is about the best things ever and he adores candy and chocolate which is his ultimate motivator to do things he hates to do.
He is just perfect and I can't imagine our family without him.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanksgiving Weekend
Monday, November 23, 2009
Discordant to Sacrilegious
I think I have tossed my theory on kids being a reflection of their parents. Much easier to accept it that way than determine I am somehow responsible for this craziness.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Taking It to the Next Level
Saturday, November 21, 2009
New Moon
Yeah we Baron's Ridge girls are going to see this movie tonight. I'll probably spare everyone the lame review after.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Gratitude is All About Attitude
- unexpected Thanksgiving invitations
- sword hands
- beautiful ballerinas
- an unexpected starry sky
- free activities for children
- four beautiful seasons
- good parent/teacher conference reports -for the most part-
- surviving the swine flu with relatively minor symptoms
- supportive undergarments
- books
- cabin trips
- decent work hours for Travis
- blogs
- my Chanel purse
- 2 functioning automobiles
- large desk calenders
- the opportunity to serve
- soft kid lips with willing kisser participants
Although silly just thinking about some of these things the other day in the car led me to a brief moment of vision loss due to restrained tears. It may not seem like a lot but for me it is plenty.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Mat Club
Our little wrestler has just started the season. There first practice was Monday night and since I am on ballet duty with Bella, Travis handles wrestling practice with Wyatt. Travis thought it was so fun to watch. The kids ran and played games to build stamina, did the chair sit for 20 seconds for muscles, and learned the basic positions. Wyatt has been showing off his skills ever since.
(Wyatt is the super fast kid in orange shorts)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Mini Vacation
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Desperate Housewives
Highlights include but are not limited to:
- hilarious stories of neighbors who no longer live in our neighborhood (which according to Jen doesn't count as gossip since they don't live here anymore)
- rectal thermometers being pooped out mid temperature taking
- assistant district attorney neighbors who dress up as Darth Vadar for Halloween and ask the kids if they want to touch his stick
- neighbors with hot bodies who go around showing our husbands their belly button rings
- neighbors with shooting ranges in their basement
- a librarian who lives in the neighborhood declining our invitation to join bookclub because she hates reading
- stories of a person who superglued in a tooth they had lost until they could get to the dentist
- peeing dogs and puking babies
- late night kidnappings in the summer to drag others out to overhear nondescript "moaning" of other neighbors with their windows open
- plastic surgery reveals
- and many other stories including worst dr. visits for immunizations
Seriously you could make a show out of how much fun we all have. Oh that's right - they already have. And who says being a stay at home mom is monotonous. Apparently they never lived here.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Ballet Tickets
Monday, November 9, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
My Wild Adventures
There were some crazy times I'll admit it. But also some fun times. Well recently through the fabulous invention of facebook I have reconnected with one of my old friends from Alaska, Dahlia. I would attend the singles ward with her despite being married, because Travis was almost always out of town and I was only 20. We worked together for a brief period before I quit my job in Alaska, but we still hung out and we always laughed and that is what I remember. And she also blogs and after reading a couple entries I was smiling fondly although I may not have been smiling as the stuff actually happened back in 2001.
The year we were there it did snow all the way until June 6th. And by the 21st of June the Midnight Sun was crazy allowing for a party to be held all night long in Fairbanks. We ate funnel cakes and other fair food, heard bands play, and walked about enjoying the entertainment. We saw the Northern Lights start to appear in late August and it didn't ever get above the 80's that summer. We almost "crashed into"/drove under a moose driving back to Utah at the end of the summer and yes they are that big. Although I didn't appreciate Alaska so much when we were living there I can't wait for Dahlia to move back so I can take a little trip to visit her. I love finding long lost friends and remembering bits of history that are easily forgotten.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Isn't She Beautiful
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
When Doughnuts Attack
I knew this comment needed further explanation so I began elaborating telling these women that I was my daughter's room mom at school. The go to helper, the planner of parties that are labeled by season instead of holiday for both seperation of state and religion, but sensitivity as well to different religious beliefs. I explained it was particularly important that I follow these guidelines because there are two Jehovah's Witnesses (I'll assume that is the plural, although I'm not sure) in Bella's class. It must remain religiously neutral or they cannot attend the festivities. Therefore I needed two dozen doughnuts that contained no jack o' lanterns, spiders, witches, etc... Now for the past month I have been frequenting Weis's bakery and they have had these beautiful doughnuts with orange frosting and fall colored leaf sprinkles on top. I thought they would be perfect. I didn't want to buy them too early only to go stale.
So last night after the ward trunk or treat I stopped in but they only had five left. I came back to Weis first thing this morning thinking I would have the best selection and could maybe get them to make any extras I needed before the party at noon. Well they had some this morning but they were all jack o'latern ones. I tried to explain the phrase non denominational doughnuts to the baker whereupon she gave me the deer in head lights look again. Well they only make doughnuts once a day. This was their selection take it or leave it. And closer to Halloween the baking staff assumes people want Halloween doughnuts so they make more jack o'latern ones. Long story short I found enough, several different kinds of non-denominational doughtnuts for the party, but different than I had originally planned.
Well two little boys sitting in their car cart are going nuts as I load twenty four doughnuts into two boxes and into the cart. The old lady eavesdropper says to the boys, "oh don't worry boys your mom will get you a doughnut. She wouldn't get that many for other little kids and not any for you." I am flabbergasted. This doesn't happen often. I find myself to be rarely flustered. Because although I had planned to get the boys jack o'latern doughnuts today, nine times out of ten I wouldn't have. Then the older women continues to comment on the nature of Kody's beautiful hair. Seriously not a day goes by that I go into public and don't get a comment on his hair. Not a day, since he was born, over two years ago.
I answered with a quick, "Yeah he's our cute redhead." And she says, "Oh- I wouldn't say his hair is red." I just assumed cataracts had gotten the better part of this woman's vision and let it go. We came home and the boys swapped their breakfast of pancakes that they had previously wanted to doughnuts and apple cider instead. Well these are smart children, what can I say. So it being a holiday I conceded. And that is when the doughnuts attacked the faces and fingers of my children leaving in their wake perma orange stains.
(now you tell me how far off this chemically composed orange frosting is from my son's hair)
(issac says kody you have a red mustache, i say red or orange, and he says orange, but then why are people always calling kody a redhead, touche my young padawon)
(so yummy you can see his uvula)